Thursday, August 6, 2009

Review of Reviewer: Kurt Wiegel's Game Geeks

Kurt Wiegel gives youtube a fresh face for Pen and Paper role playing games, and an introduction to such games. The internet doesn't seem to have many people who have reviewed a handful of rpgs, and with over 100 episodes, Kurt has done his share. What he offers is variety, allowing players to see games beyond the big two (Dungeons and Dragons, Cthulu).

Reviews start with a core rulebook or set of rule books, followed by a subject to subject overview, all along injecting personal experiences of a seasoned GM.

He talks a lot about who each game is made for and why, how one game might have some weird mechanics, be roleplay-heavy or combat-heavy. He provides information for people actively or passively looking for a new game or game ideas. I would suggest him to anyone looking to learn new GM tricks, searching for a new game, or looking to find interesting setting for their existing games.