Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Card Mechanic.

Players are delt cards as in a hand of blackjack. The first card is delt face up, the other face down. Each card represents an option. The more cards a player has, the more options he has. If the player Busts, he spent too much time considering his options. Each time the player takes a hit, the character loses ground.

A player chooses one of his cards. Cards under 4 (3, 2, Ace) can add to the chosen card. The player with the highest card value gains a point.

A player with 3 points can gain the advantage. The advantage lets a player remove an opponent, or if single in combat,
end the combat.

Points can be spent to raise the (his?) round cap to 31, buying time in order to gain more options.

A player with an advantage has two basic options, he recieves his cards first. These options are: allow his opponent to surrender, or execute the killing strike. If he executes the killing strike he picks his card and can add nothing to it.

The opponent is now delt his cards. He makes his selection, adding (3s,2s, or Aces) and presets it. If the opponent beats the advantaged player, he gains the advantage, allowing him to end the battle with use of additional (3s 2s or Aces).

If the advantaged player allows the other to surrender, he choses a card and can add anything under 7. Things continue normally, the opponent's cards are delt, he chooses his card, he looks for options, adds anything under 4. If he looses he must surrender. If he succeeds, he finds a way to make his opponent lose the advantage, but also has the option of ending combat, fleeing the scene.

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