Saturday, May 23, 2009

Review of Irate Gamer's Review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I have some problems with the way IRATE Gamer puts this particular movie review, but also most of his recent reviews. First reactions reveal that his videos are entirely scripted; by someone else.

Having seen the movie a few times and being a small time fan of the 90's cartoon and the certified reader of the occasional comic book, I feel well qualified to offer my opinion in the matter of entertainment related materials.

IG Starts off "Now I've seen a lot of movies come out lately where the beginning of the movie is good, but the ending totally sucks and ruined the film." The next sentence should follow, "This is exactly the kind of film that X-Men Origins: Wolverine is." IG cascades off into a completely different direction. "Thankfully not this movie" He continues as I shout exclamatories at my monitor, "because the entire ending battle and sequences of this film is what has you really leave the theater wanting more."

Now, Hold On. I can't really continue on this way. Is IG really watching the same film? Those appear to be clips from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine I remember, but he doesn't actually seem to be reviewing the same film. The characters were thrown in kind of willy-nilly. I don't understand the significance of The Blob and the teleporting black guy to the overall story? Could you not have told the same story without them? They brought nothing to the table, and It was sloppy storytelling.

Wade, Deadpool, whatever you want to call him. This Actor was Jipped. His opening scene was fantastic and he was true to the character that was set in front of him. Deadpool, the Merc with the mouth. For some reason, this was played down and the character loses his mouth in the next scene he's in. Very disappointing and it seems this decision was made to prevent Deadpool from outshining Wolverine.

The thought on Wolverine being outshined... Even though Deadpool only had a single speaking part early on in the film, Hugh Jackman was outgunned by Deadpool actor, Ryan Reynolds. In the few moments that he was on screen, his dialog portrayed exactly, to a T, the kind of character Deadpool had been in the comics. This was ripped away when his next appearance had his mouth literally sewn shut in a wordless, utterly un-epic battle with brothers Sabertooth and Wolverine.

IG Continues, "Its so great to see characters from the comicbooks that you've grown so attached to, appear in this movie."

The video suggests that he's referencing Gambit, who was another character who I thought had his script cut. After a thought, I found NO reason for his presence in the overall story.

Right Now, I have enough confidence to make an evaluation of the Film. Overall I found the story to be an incomplete hodgepodge of several different concepts and ideas, none of which are fully formed or fleshed out. The romance between Hugh Jackman and Lynn Collins was believable and real, and honestly, this story sold me at the beginning. What followed was a bunch of one line cracks by Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth and a left field plot twist, broken up by battles and cameos which didn't always feel right.

Now for our Solution. What follows is really what Makes I.S. Different from most other things in the blogosphere. Its our (My) goal to make the world a better place (Piss people off) and as such I will submit, (AHA!!) a letter identifying the problems and potential solutions. My only hope is that these intentions will be rewarded. (May no good deed go unpunished.)

Dear IRATE Gamer,

I submit to you that you have never read a Deadpool comic. You did not know, previous to this film, who Emma Frost was, nor do you have more than a cursory knowledge of the X-Men series. If you did, I do believe that the review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine would contain a higher presence of Nerd Rage on which your youTube career is supposedly built.

I request that your future reviews contain more research and fewer off-the-cuff script props (for example, "This movie was all that and a bag of potato chips.") When I visit your page, I expect to find a review and commentary on film in question. Your tag suggests that you are IRATE or Angry, unless of course this is to suggest that you rate things, which I believe not to be the case, although I have been proven wrong before. Your name also suggests that you are a GAMER, which on further review of your videos has seemed to be less and less the case.

Please, return to the adage of truth in reporting. Lies of this nature are often offensive. I humbly suggest that you submit a video retraction of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine review as well as the DragonBall Evolution review for poor judgment.

Thank you For Your Time

-Anthony "IncendiarySolution" Scinta
-IncendiarySolution Blogger

IG said, "I don't think I could have asked for a better movie". I guess I hold the industry to a higher, perhaps unrealistic standard when dealing with my childhood memories.

Related Content

IRATE Gamer: X-Men Wolverine Origins Review

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Old problem, New Solution, and going on break

I've always been confused about where I fit in the world's great big plan. I've been struggling with the concept that I don't fit in and that I'd have to make room for myself for a long time.

A day ago, in the hall, I stopped to talk to a financial aid person, who turned out to be the school's career counselor. She proposed that I take a test to place me in a field, which really means putting the school's resources to use.

Thats good news. Finally I'll have some sort of direction.

Other than the career warpath, I've been working on the business plan, and I'm not going to lie, I havn't been doing very well. Organizing Ideas has never been my strong point. I just need to over think in particular directions.

Anyways, What does this have to do with IS? Well untill I'm done with this project, and probably with school, I won't be updating much or at all.

Trust me tho, I have some brilliant new Ideas for this summer, and soon I may be posting the Cyberjocks Plan, which I am very excited about.

There we are...

Oh! one more thing, Before I put IS on the shelf, I'm going to do a simple quick review from either Dollhouse or Wolverine or some kind of media. It'll be based on something John from EGT told me today at Sushi.