Monday, January 31, 2011

System Update and a Neat Idea

Combat was changed to Aggression, although I may still use CDSM as the working title. Not sure yet. This was to facilitate ideas of general application rather than pigeonholing players into physical combat.

Idea - Spell Weaving

Mage characters have always fascinated me, I've wanted to do something cool with this for a long time. I'm thinking something that keeps the system identity in mind.

I also played Magicka recently, so my mind is buzzing with possibilities. I don't necessarily want to stick with elements tho, so lets take a few simple ideas and start tinkering with them.

Lets say that spells have certain characteristics. We'll start with 'Rope', a simple skill that allows the player to make, manipulate and utilize rope with a wave of the finger. Lets mix this with 'Wall', an ability to build or take down a wall in front of you. You now have a wall that you can move and manipulate. Add 'Projectile' and you can start trapping people in little boxes. This is how magic becomes dangerous.

Say we have a 'dimention door' mixed with 'projectile', you can send someone to another plane in a bolt. Say you also have a 'bag of holding', you can imprison people beyond time and space at your leisure.

This isn't finished and its certainly not usable. I like the idea of mixing things tho, it seems very magelike.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Basis for a System -- Fancy $5 Words



The basis for stat creation.

Warning I Have yet to make most of this coherent Warning

Pick 4 things about your character.

Refer to CDSM if you get stuck
Branch these into two scopes

Individual VS Worldview
Self Vs Others
Self Image VS Societal Image


Assign 4 categories to identify how the general relationships between these stats functions.

Then undefine these relationships. -- This check is to have a base idea on how they work under certain circumstances. -- Know that these relationships are reset via situation. The purpose we do this at all is to establish a base and to identify that our stats are appropriately balanced and even.

Setting up substats identifies scope and magnitude. This relates directly to the Signal Skill program used for aspergers patients, specifically in identifying goal. This is where we establish if we want to get along or feel better, rather if we want to focus on internal traits or external traits. In building these we are defining the ways that the character interacts with the world and how they address the situation that they are presented with. This also sends a message to the player with how they should act in the given situation, giving a personalized approach toward immersion and allowing player/character distance to become smaller.

The proxy is required for context of interaction and proof of stability. The label of CDSM coordinates mechanical functionality and provides balance and context of the stat. Provides definition of the character and the system in which the character resides.

Also! Dependent on the actions that the player attempts, the effects and outcomes are judged on a case to case basis so there is no coverall or go to situation (ex Combat) for any given problem, but the player is forced to assess the most logical option in frame because we see that combat is not special, it is inherit to the system and subject to its rules just like anything else.

From here, we need to identify types of interactions, at least as the gm is concerned. These interactions do not directly align with the CDSM model but are the basis for a game much like a skill challenge in Dungeons and Dragons 4th.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Ganstas and Aliens
tombstone over Tremors
Indians (savage magic)
Wolf Spirit
Threats to an established town
Deals made over land and gold
Trades made between Far East and Deep West
The small town of Burning Cock

The history of Burning Cock
Settlers drove west in promise of big gold, left the North with its laws and levies with little more than a prayer in their heart and a few oxen. Folks tended to travel in groups, and the still untamed land was filled with savages of all sorts. One night, a band of us formed a wagon circle in a canyon. Several of the young braves came in to raid our camp. It was a slaughter. The rest of us made our way west, abandoned supplies, food, just made our way out of the mess. We found a little place where we would make our last stand, filled with the smell of black powder smoke and burning ash. Before the indians could scalp us as they did to many of our women and children, a giant burning rooster appeared before us, burning the savages alive.

In honor of that faithful night, we built our town on that spot and dubbed it Burning Cock, after the giant flaming rooster that had saved us.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tron Playtest

The actual play test started off pretty wild. Each player was pretty excited with the idea of their characters, and to my surprise, two picked programs, while my third picked a user.

Character Creation

Konrad built his character from the ground up, using the concept of a video driver application. He specializes in displaying information to users during games. Protocols he generated were based mostly off his interface skill, and included in this was a DDOS attack, or a ping of death which took advantage of the challenge rules. This set up a barrier that blocked another program's action. I also gave him a subroutine that allows him to connect to his user in the form of a bit which he can summon and dismiss at will. His DDOS also functioned as a mass communication skill, where the more people he was addressing, the easier it is to control them.

Raleigh was my second program, he built his character off of a maintenance man concept, working for the dynamic link library and gaining protocols that pertain to fragmenting programs and subroutines, the ability to attach these fragmented pieces, and a formatting subroutine which looked a little like a Zamboni at an ice rink. Formatting data as the thing went, grid squares popped up behind it.

John G was my User, Named Twitch. He chose interface abilities for his code powers.


An admirer of Kevin Flynn and Encomm Employee, Twitch breaks into the arcade, finding a secret door ripped from its hinges and a new machine on a battery connected to a powered down monster from the 80s. He flips the switch and powers it and the rest of the arcade up, finding his way into the machine.

The scene continues on as the beginning of tron legacy, starting with the exit from the arcade to a battle at the arena. Disc Wars began with a single combatant, and dice were rolled. We found that the narrative position worked well, he easily escaped from the arena and made his way to the light-cycle grid where two programs were awaiting the battle to come.

Figuring out the mechanics and how they were to work in the lightcycle arena was the hardest part, and the only thing I regret is putting pen to paper and drawing an isometric, duel layer map. By pulling the imagery out of our minds and putting it onto a map, I had ruined the illusion that i had established. Later, we discovered a newer mechanic to replace this, the challenge mechanic which expresses difficulty, especially when we're creating obstacles that deal with time.

Tron 1.08 Beta Update

So we've been playing around with the Tron mechanics, but before we delve into how things went and what that means for the game, i have to update everyone on new mechanics that have been added to the system.

  • General Use
  • User Application
  • Utility
  • Control
So these represent classification of program and relates directly to function and circuitry color.

User application is blue, deals hands on with users, reports to them, may display or intake information.
Utility programs are yellow, they manage and modify other programs.
Control programs are Red, they represent the authority.
That being said, white programs are general use, they perform general tasks throughout the systems. This color includes Users, ISOs and programs with hidden or undefined function.

Finally there is a crossover between Utility and User Application which is Green, indicating limited user interaction and control over others (middle management). There is also crossover between Utility and Control, which is orange (imagine someone watching a security camera, they don't respond directly but send commands to others).

So these are identifiers of programs, from this a player can determine a basic idea of someone's function, the extent of their ability and their rank. Essentially its the race and class of the grid.

Resource and Resource Capacity

Resource and Resource Capacity is a new system that acts like a combination of Hit points, Mana, Currency, Plot Points and Experience Points. When Resource reaches 0, the energy state moves to +1 which adds a die to further rolls.


Rule 1 - Resource can not exceede Resource Capacity.
Rule 2 - Protocols and Subroutines require resource to use unless they have another power source (this'll be addressed later).
Rule 3 - Resouce can be burned on any roll. For each resource you burn, you gain an extra die.
Rule 4 - Resource isn't nessicarilly tangible. It can be gained by imbibing energy, usually in the form of blue or green fizzy drinks.

Resource Capacity

Rule 1 - Resource Capacity can be tangible, can be a form of currency.
Rule 2 - Resource Capacity can be used to build things, this includes weaponry.
Rule 3 - Resource Capacity can be burned after a roll to gain an automatic success.
Rule 4 - Resource Capacity can be burned to increase stats or substats or to purchase access to new Protocols and Subroutines.

GM - Resource Capacity should be awarded as an immediate response to behavior that accords with the theme. This means if players do something good, alter the scenerio, or do your work for you, reward them.


Subroutines are stuff. In particular, these are the lightcycles and various other vehicles, these also include weaponry, such as the discs, swords and guns.. Included in this are bits and small animals (animated subroutines). Some may deliver messages, others open up pathways, all have purpose and complete specific tasks.


I've added a few states to the character sheet, this includes injured, hidden, and corrupted. It may eventually encompass more. A corrupted status changes the requirements of success from 5+ to 6+. Injured requires an extra success to complete an action. Hidden allows a program to move unacknowledged.


Challenges can present in a couple of ways. Some protocols create challenges, other times challenges can be physical or social. This also presents itself as an opposed roll and is used to begin initiative. An offensive party decairs an action, may define a target for that action and rolls the appropriate stat and substat combination. The number of successes presents a challenge number. The defender declairs action and rolls the appropriate stat and substat to defend. The defender must meet the challenge number to succeed. If the challenge number is not met, the initiative moves to the next person. The challenge must be overcome in order for that player to continue.

In gameplay, this presented itself as an acutal attack by a player, in particualr a ddos attack. The player put up a baracade and the opposing force had to tear it down or go around in order to proceede.

This can also be modified to include lethal consequences such as within the game grid. If a player puts a jetwall infront of another player, it creates a challenge number that must be overcome in a certain number of turns. That'll force a player to use resource and resource cap in order to overcome the challenge.